Peppermint Patty

  • Gender: Female
  • Breed: Yorkie/Corgi Mix
  • Date of Birth: July 2023

Please read below in its entirety!

Peppermint Patty is a female, spayed, Yorkie/corgi mix. Born in July 2023. She weighs approximately 25 pounds. She is very sweet and adorable! She needs a patient, dog expierenced home. She is extremely shy. We are working on leash training. She will need a home with a 6ft privacy fence. A home with no small children due to their sudden movements. She is shy not aggressive. A home with alot of love & patience.

Several visits will be required so please consider this before filling out an application. Must have a vet history or reference. A home with at least one other dog friendly dog ok, her size preferably.